
最新のサステナビリティ開示基準(IFRS/CSRD)概況説明-大和総研 – CFOニュースPlus (


オーストラリア、2024年より企業に気候関連報告の義務化を導入 – ESG Journal (




Key climate reporting developments unveiled (

WHO is proposed to be covered? A 3-tiered approach is proposed, depending on organisational size. Proposed timings are:

Cohort 1 (for 2024/2025 reporting periods):Reporting Entities (those required to report under Part 2M of the Corporations Act being Disclosing Entities, Public companies, registered schemes and large private companies) who are National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Scheme (NGERS) “controlling corporations” which meet the NGER publication threshold; and Reporting Entities that fulfill two of the following three thresholds: (1) over 500 employees; (2) $1 billion+ in consolidated gross assets; (3) $500 million+ consolidated annual revenue.

Cohort 2 (for 2026/2027 reporting periods):Reporting Entities that fulfill two of the following three thresholds: (1) over 250 employees; (2) $500 million+ in consolidated gross assets; (3) $200 million+ consolidated annual revenue.

Cohort 3 (for 2027/2028 reporting periods): Reporting Entities who are NGERS controlling corporations; and Reporting Entities that fulfill two of the following three thresholds: (1) over 100 employees; (2) $25 million+ in consolidated gross assets; (3) $50 million+ consolidated annual revenue.


英国上場企業におけるTCFD開示動向 – KPMGジャパン


大手非上場企業にも気候変動関連情報開示を義務付けへ、意見公募開始(シンガポール) | ビジネス短信 ―ジェトロの海外ニュース – ジェトロ (